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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Just a few days more

The batteries are all charged, the bags are mostly packed and Wednesday is just a few days off.  Can't wait to be on the mountain.  I just worry about the weather.  I don't have much time in Detroit between flights and knowing Delta/Northwest I am bound to be cutting it short.  I still have to waterproof my jacket.  That's happening tonight.
I have this old GPS, one that was given to me when I left Savannah, GA, by Drs. Lord and Hammen.  Eleven years out and it still works.  I take it to Africa on every hunting trip and it's accompanying me this time too.  I plan to use it with my camera to geo-tag the pictures.  I might have a more useful idea where certain pictures were taken.  I have never done geo-tagging before, but I am going to give it a try this trip.
The Hypoxico tent is working well.  I am up to 16250 feet.  I am going to leave it there for the remaining few days.  Last night my pulse-ox was down to 84%.  By the morning it had come up to 87%.  And for the first time I really did not sleep well at "altitude".  I woke up some time around 4 am, restless and I wasn't sure why.  Not until I checked the pulse-ox.  84%, Wow.  They get seriously agitated at the hospital with a reading like that.  The restlessness persisted till the morn.  My hope is that the Hypoxico tent does what it is advertised to do.
Bought a pair of shades today: just a shade darker and a little less hair and I could pass for Stevie Wonder with those shades on!


  1. WOW Jas, sounds kinda scary! I know you are on top of things and I hope you get a good nights' sleep the next couple of days. Looking forward to seeing the pics and reading about your Kilimanjaro adventures.
