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Monday, February 7, 2011


"Hey Jas, heard you were going on vacation.  Where're you going?"  This is how the conversations have been beginning over the last few weeks.  "I am climbing Kilimanjaro," I reply.  "Wow.  Cool… (long pause) … Is that in Japan?"
For the geographically challenged here is a short run down of Kilimanjaro:  It is the tallest mountain in Africa.  It is also the tallest free standing mountain in the world.  It rises to 19,340 ft. It is situated in Tanzania.  It is a dormant volcano.  Its last major eruption was 360,000 years ago although some activity recorded about 200 years back.
The bags are all packed again!  I may unpack and pack it again before I leave just making sure that the duffel bag falls within weight limits.  I may have to leave the beef jerky behind.  I have taken enough medicines to start a small bush clinic.  Antibiotics, steroids, diamox and even a few doses of Sildenafil, known to the masses as Viagra.  Now don't anyone get any ideas, Viagra decreases the pulmonary artery pressure, which increases with high altitude pulmonary edema.  Now if only I will remember to pack the ibuprofen: most invaluable for the severe headaches that accompany acute mountain sickness that is almost inevitable at altitude.  Sutures, steri-strips and a few odds and ends no self-respecting surgeon would be caught without have all been packed.  The big dilemma has been whether I should take a shaving set or not.  That question has not yet been answered.
Haven't been sleeping well for the last few nights.  Its not the altitude, at least I don't think so.  Its probably the anticipation.  Tonight's the last night of acclimatization in the tent.  It goes back on Wednesday.  I hope it was worth it.  I mustn't forget the poncho.

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